Friday, August 7, 2009

Domestic Additions

On Wednesday night John and I arrived back at his apartment and discovered a massive package in the middle of his living room. We were surprised and confused as we hadn't ordered anything. The giant package contained our first wedding gifts, courtesy of John's aunt and uncle!

We received a Kitchen aid blender and a Cuisinart toaster. It felt wrong to unwrap our gifts before the wedding, but we couldn't resist. It was kind of like Christmas.

Isn't the blender pretty?

It's from the Martha Stewart Collection. When John opened up the box, he said, "Hey, does it come with an insider trading manual?"

Our Cuisinart toaster is very sleek and modern.
It's definitely a step up from my old toaster, shown below.

Sadly, I had to leave Hello Kitty behind on the west coast. I will miss my kitty-faced toast, though.

Last night we gave our blender a try. I put in some strawberries, a banana, some ice, milk, orange juice, and a little vanilla...

Boy, does this blender have power! It completely crushed ice in a matter of seconds. It was amazing!

These are our delicious smoothies.

The face of a satisfied man.


Thanks Aunt Carol and Uncle Steve for the blender and toaster!


  1. So, at first, you expressed a moral dilemma to even OPENING up the wedding gifts. THEN, your post concludes by your USING the blender to make a big messy smoothy and even crushing ice. Sounds like slippery slope to me.

  2. I've fallen so far! What has the big city done to me?

  3. AND you publically flaunt yourselves drinking those smoothies! So next you'll probably be making toast. And eating it!

  4. When I read the title of this post, I thought maybe you and John had bought a house plant.
