Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Summer Happenings: July

Our summer in New York has just flown by.  For the past three days it has been raining and cloudy (still fairly warm), and I know that fall is just around the corner.

Over the 4th of July weekend, my parents came out for a visit.  We had a blast just hanging out in the city with them. 

John and my dad share a love of treats.
John always gives me bites, which is nice.
Perhaps the most exciting event of our 4th of July weekend was our 20 week ultrasound.  At the 20 week ultrasound you are able to find out your baby's gender, if you want.  At first John and I were uncertain if we wanted to find out the gender...
But we decided to find out!
For nearly 30 minutes the ultrasound technician poked and prodded my tummy, trying to get a good view of our little baby, who was being rather uncooperative.
Afterwards, we called Grandma Ruth and Grandpa Russ to tell them the exciting news... "It's a GIRL!"