Tuesday, October 27, 2009

SSA (Sister Separation Anxiety)

Before I moved to New York in June, my sister and I were roommates for nearly 3 years. Before that, we attended the same college; and before that, we lived in the same house for 18 years. Needless to say, my sister Adrienne is my best friend in the whole world (with the exception of my husband). It has been nearly five months since we lived in the same city- the longest we've ever lived apart. I'm really quite attached to her.

This is me and my sister circa 1986.

She was such a good big sister (except for the time she told me that witches and elephants lived in our laundry room. I'm not sure how a five year old cooked up that story, but it caused lasting damage. I'm still terrified of elephants.).

This is Adrienne and me just a few weeks ago, at my wedding rehearsal dinner. Adrienne was my maid of honor.
She's a keeper! And best of all, she's moving to New York!

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